Saturday, July 22, 2006


New Chatbox added! Now you can just leave your comments about this blog and the tees designs. Woot Woot. Hahaha. Seriously, do leave your mark so that I'll know who visited myteeblog. If not it'll be kinda sad that I blog and no one actually go and view the photos I uploaded. Hahaha.

Yong Kwang was so excited after I told him about maybe setting up this blog shop kinda stuff last week (after reading URBAN, our mandatory weekly dose of supplement, on the online shops). He had the idea of setting up one himself as well, just that his will be selling all the "high-end expensive-looking, delicately-handmade" greeting cards. Did heard him mention bout this before, ever since he bragged about his great craft skills during some mini projects we did for brigade. Yong Kwang even thought that I should actually join him in this e-business venture, where he'll sell his expensive greeting cards alongside my tee business, under the same name/website. jinXpleant was what he came up with (jinxp + pleant. Pleant is his ugly blog. That's what he calls it anyway, not my choice of description). Sounds meaningless but has the Uberchic factor. Consumers will be actually thinking what is this particular odd-name company selling. Cool eh. Hahaha.

But just look at the schedule of this guy. 3 tuitees taking up almost all of his book out nights, driving lessons and tests coming along, how would he be able to manage the time to do anything else extra? So I guess I'll just keep it to that till anything good comes my way. At least I've got a chic company name. :)


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