First Few Tees (Part 2)
The following are the designs I made for a local tshirt design competition for another popular HongKong franchise in Singapore. I aint gonna mention the company's name, as quite a few of my friends have already know that I'm kinda boycotting this brand of tees for the reason that my designs were not selected for the top 5! Only the top five tshirts get to win the prizes, which aint that attractive either. (No sour grapes here. Even Mr Lim also say the prize money looked miserable.)
Okay, I'm supposed to come up with design on a their simple, plain white tshirt to suit the theme "World Without Strangers". Guess most of you will know what brand is this by now. For others who haven't realise, where have you been all these while? Anyway, I came up with the idea myself. Even went on to make sacrifices to pose for my pictures, my younger sis was also kind enough to help, to get the stencils done. Btw, most of the tshirts are printed using stencils. Mind you, I'm living on a really tight budget here. It's not like some other finalists who actually got their designs printed by the professionals! They should be disqualified for cheating! (Okay, it wasnt stated that professional printing was discouraged. Damn those idiots!)
I even came up with my very own promotional photos lah! So much for the sacrifices. And I had to face the humiliation in front of my other camp mates and office colleagues as some of them saw the shot and set it as the desktop background on out I-Net! (Damn! Wahaha.) See how much I've put in and look at what I got back in return? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Kosong sia! Worst case was I couldn't get back that particular tshirt! (I only made one, so that's an extremely limited edition lar! It could have fetch a hell lot of price if I actually sell it in the market.)
And notice the name on the promotional poster. Translate it into Chinese. Makes total sense. Wahahaha. Just some intended pun.
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