Stars in Wonderland
celebrating Walt Disney's World's Year of a Million Dreams, photographer Annie Leibovitz had shot a couple of the "greatest" stars this season, of whom she deemed suitable for the all-time-favourite Disney characters. In the list include Rachel Weisz as Snow White, Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella, Beyonce Knowles as Alice in Wonderland, and not forgetting British-hoping-for-an-American-Dream David Beckham as Sleeping Beauty's Prince Phillip.
Why does the collection looked so reminiscence of ANTM Cycle 6 (?) falling fairytale photoshoot, featuring winner Danielle as Snow White
Not exactly a wonderful choice i would say. Why is Beyonce as Alice? Shouldnt Alice be someone more.. er "blonde"? and Beckham should be starred as Beauty in Beauty and the Beast.
if i had the chance to cast, Johnny Depp will be Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland, and maybe can even replace Beckham as that indie prince of Sleeping Beauty. lol. Meryl Streep as Evil Queen of Snow White. and how about this, Felicia Chin as Disney's Mulan (remember her as a suave yet alluring Artillery Captain in that local show?). and maybe Hugh Jackman as Beast-turn-prince in Beauty and the Beast.
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